Friday, July 24, 2009

This way up

Micah and I had a wonderful afternoon (what is it about the bike blender that brings out the winter sun?) hosting dedicated cyclist Simon Morton of National Radio's this way up show, making an afternoon tea of salsa, hummus and Lassi - all beautiful again. There is a podcast of the blending session at their website.

The show also featured an interview with Tamara Dean who has published a book about the potential of human power including bike power: the human powered home.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Blending up a storm

A great blending day! We gave the bike blender and food processor a good work out on cole slaw, beetroot hummus and salsa. All washed down with a mint lassi. It performed really great and everything tasted and looked fantastic as you can see above.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Birth of the smoothie revolution

This site is a hitching post for thoughts and projects aimed at making my thinking and actions less straight and more round(ed). For starters that means a bike blender . 

Here are some opening clips of the bike blender getting set up and in action for its inaugural smoothies (berries, banana, milk), which were pretty flash for the middle of winter. All said the blender works great even on the lower revs of the mountain bike. The smoothies were nicely thick without being too chunky and I really think the taste could be superior to an in the wall blender. Can anyone argue against me that non-electric smoothies taste better?